Gordon T. Wegwart OUR TEAM gwegwart@verityinvest.com (919) 490-6717 ext. 109 Gordon T. Wegwart President and Chief Investment Officer In 1996, Gordon co-founded Verity Asset Management with three other principals and has shared in the firm’s development as its unique business model evolved and its geographic footprint expanded nationally. As Chief Investment Officer, he helped conceptualize the firm’s proprietary tactical allocation strategy and risk management processes between 1998 and 2001 and has worked with the investment team in the continued evolution of that strategy to the present. Beginning in 2005, he worked on the translation of the signature characteristics of that investment process to the discretionary management of retirement accounts for plan participants on major retirement platforms nationwide. Gordon graduated summa cum laude from Duke University in 1976 and launched directly into an entrepreneurial career, spending 5 years as co-founder and principal of several businesses before directing his full attention to the financial services industry in 1981. Investment Advisor Representative, offering advisory services through Verity Asset Management [Registered Investment Adviser] Registered Representative, offering securities through Verity Investments, Inc. [Member FINRA, SIPC] Back