RFP’s & Benchmarking RFP & PLAN BENCHMARKING SERVICES FOR 401(k), 403(b) AND 457(b) PLANS Do your service providers’ strengths match the goals and objectives of your plan? Retirement plans run best when the strengths of plan service providers match the goals and objectives of the plan fiduciaries and participants. Investment Menu Design Legacy Asset Administration Participant Engagement Custody and Record Keeping Measurable Participant Outcomes The key is to focus on getting the most value from your plan service providers. The Verity team will evaluate current fees and services based on our extensive experience and using known industry benchmarks. In addition, we support your team to drive a successful transition with our comprehensive recordkeeper search and replacement services combined with conversion oversight. Comprehensive Cost Analysis Recordkeeping Cost and Structure RFPs to Align Plan Goals with Service Provider Strengths Investment Flexibility Identify Your Plan’s Negotiating Leverage Search and Transition Support Measure and Monitor Value The key is to focus on getting the most value from your plan providers. The bottom line is about delivering valuable outcomes. Verity business intelligence systems provide the measuring and decision tools to monitor value on an ongoing basis. Our process begins with a review of your plan’s current fees and services based on our extensive experience and known industry benchmarks to provide: Historic plan menu performance reporting Product and plan level business intelligence tools Vendor selection and monitoring tools for single-provider and multi-provider environments DOWNLOAD AN ANNUAL REVIEW GUIDE TO GET STARTED TODAY